Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Locked Out!

Today our morning got off to an... interesting start. To say the least. I was running a little behind so I was rushing around getting everything together, picking up the house a little, and getting the little man out the door so I wouldn't be late.

I followed the same routine as I do every morning. As I'm walking out the door I always check my pocket to make sure I have the keys, I lock the door, and I close it. BUT this morning I forgot one of those steps. Can you guess which one? Yep... I forgot to check my pocket. I didn't even realize what I had done until I reached for the keys to unlock the car.

On the bright side... I got some really cute pictures of N playing with his "friends" while we waited for the maintenance man to come let us into our house! (Forgive the PJs. We leave really early in the morning so I usually leave him in pajamas until we get there, then change him.

Here he is on the porch:

He is dancing... Kind of :)
Trying to kick open the door! ha ha

These are his "friends"... My fall decorations.

Giving them hugs

He laid the boy down and started clapping

Now the girl has to lay down too

He laid down beside them and said "Nigh Nigh"

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, how adorable is he? I'm sorry you guys got locked out but looks like N kept himself (and you!) quite entertained :)
